Monday, May 7, 2018

Why I Fight For My Relationship with My Sisters

I have two little sisters. We're all within 6 years of each other.

In our early years together we didn't get along. My mother's heart was always that we would be the best of friends. I remember her explaining to us how other friends will leave us, but our sisters will always be our sisters.

When our parents divorced, my heart for my sisters grew. They were in a very unsafe environment and I would pray and cry out to the Lord for them. Daily I was in tears and petitioning the Lord to act.

As they grew older, they both walked down paths of rebellion. Their life choices were harmful and dangerous. I continued to pray and preach the gospel to them faithfully, never backing down, never caring if it annoyed them. I would preach to their friends, I would pray steadfastly for them for years.

The Lord sent messengers outside of myself to speak truth to their hearts and conviction and love and mercy. They both gave their lives to the Lord and started coming to my church!

I got to spend years discipling them and got to see them get married to AMAZING GODLY MEN! Their friends hated me and said terrible things about me since they believed that this was my cunning plan and work. 

But, it was all the Lord's!

Now we all three walk with the Lord and we cherish and fight for our relationships with each other. We pray together, we share what the Lord's doing in our hearts together, we are open and honest with each other. We get to raise our kids together. We get to go through our early years of marriage together. We get to grow in ministry together. 

Why do we fight for this relationship?

Because we still have a mother and other family members who isn't walking with the Lord and we want to fight for that.
We refuse to allow Satan to pull our family apart. 
We refuse to walk in the long line of witchcraft our family reputation holds.
We refuse to walk in the long line of drunks, broken marriages, corrupt ways, and love of money that our family persists to worship.

We will take ground for the Lord and we will lay a new family foundation for Jesus Christ for our children and their children. 

We will fight for each other and with each other for the sake of the gospel of Jesus!

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