Friday, October 13, 2017

A Glimpse Into My Heart

It's hard sometimes. 
I'm not gonna lie. 
Trying to press on in all that the Lord has called me to.
People often say, 
"You must be super human! How do you do all that?"

It's simple. 
I die to myself. 
Do you?

It's easier to send my kids to public school.
It's easier to not use my gifts and callings to bless others.
It's easier to not spend time writing music and leading worship.
It's easier to go to church and just focus on my kids and my family.
It's easier to not run a small business that doesn't financially support my family at all.
It's easier to not share my faith with people at the store or my neighbors
It's easier to not disciple somebody (or several somebodies).
It's easier to not pour my life out as an offering to the Lord and His ministry.
It's easier to get all the sleep I want.
It's easier to buy and cook instant food. 

Oh Jesus!
Remind me, Lord. 
Remind me all that Your Word promises when it comes to my children.
Whisper in my ear that You created me specifically to raise these precious hearts into maturity. 
Let me feel Your strong arms hold me when I quake with tears and weakness. 
When I hear of other moms who send their kids to school, remind me, Lord, that You've called me to take this road of hardship.
Show me a glimmer of the diamonds that my children will be to my husband and I.
Fill my heart with peace and my composure with gentleness.

Help me remember that my husband is my love. 
Give me the grace to smile and flirt when my mascara is smeared and goldfish crumbs are all over my shirt. 
When I just need to be done, let me be done in his strong arms resting on his chest and telling him how much I appreciate all he does. 
When he needs time to himself, give me patience and understanding that he needs that just as much as I do. 
Give me eyes to see my husband in light of all the things he's blessing me with and providing for me. 

Oh, Holy Spirit!
Fill me with a power that the world around me sees and recognizes as the Living God!
May I not lose sight of the Great Commission You, Yourself have given Your church.
Keep me heart open and willing to share Your love even when I don't think I have anything to offer. 
Help me press on in ministry and finish all that You called me to to bless You and serve You and minister to You. 

Help me die.

To You be all the Glory! 
All the Honor!
All the Praise and Worship!

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