And what really is "unknown"?
Does God not gold all circumstances in His hand?
Does He not know the future?
Is He not sovereign?
Does He not fashion our steps to walk in before we were even conceived or our souls even entered this world?
Ephesians 2:13 "But now we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because He trusts in You."
I know myself, and I hold onto those times when I see that the Lord's in control; I hold onto those times when I can't seem to see His sovereignty from my perceptive.
Ahavah's been still having numerous absent seizures as well as some random fevers. She's been putting herself to bed at night saying her stomach hurts, her head hurts, and she doesn't feel well. She'll sweat through the night and wake up the next morning to a rough start. There was a night this week she was sweating so bad we tried to wake her, but she wouldn't wake up. Alex carried her down into my room and I laid next to her just praying over her through the night. She woke up the next morning (after about a 12 hour sleep) conscious and doing okay.
She's quieted down a lot. She doesn't talk much. She's lost interest in reading and writing, which she used to love to do. She isn't interested in eating much at all. My kids LOVE to eat late night and they eat a LOT. Ahavah will barely finish her dinner and then she doesn't want anything else for the night except to go to bed because she doesn't feel well.
Last Friday we had a lady from the Department of Health over to talk with me face to face as well as take some samples of some vitamins to test them for lead. She ended up being a believer and we had a SWEET time of fellowship! We shared God's faithfulness in the midst of what we've walked through with our children. She almost buried 3 of her 5 children due to health issues, mostly autoimmune diseases. She was the forerunner to many health issues we consider common nowadays.
We prayed together. We prayed over each other's families, for God's wisdom in dealing with my children as well as several situations her family is currently facing. When she left I thanked her for sharing such an encouraging testimony of God's hand in her life. I told her that I praise the Lord she's in the position she is. She assured me she's praying over my family and my children and she's allowing the Lord to lead her as she seeks to come along side us with all we're facing.
Then the following Friday (yesterday), we had two of our favorite guys from the Department of Health over. They spent 2 1/2 hours running through the ENTIRE home checking every thing they could think of (again) that could contain any source of lead. Our ceilings, several dirt samples all around the home, toys, craft supplies, bathroom caulking... you name it.
They also came up with a plan to just start removing any lead sources from the home.
Alex and I have been praying and asking for this grant that replaces the old lead-containing windows in the house. We didn't "qualify" for the last two years since most of our windows ARE new and don't contain lead except for 4-5 of them that have the original wood and paint that came with the house (1880). However, due to my children being severely poisoned for 2 years, they are going to work through several loop holes to try to get us this grant! We MAY even be able to reseal our lead bathtub using a grant also. We will only have to pay a small percentage of the work that will be done.
We don't always know why God closes certain doors at certain times.
Why didn't we get this grant rolling two years ago?
It could have possibly limited our kids exposure to a potential lead source.
I may never know.
I don't need to know.
That's the great thing about being a Christian!!
We get to apply God's Word and trust God's Word.
He says He laid it all out for us to walk in.
Then when we get glimpses that He's working and we can look back, remember that He was orchestrating everything, and we can fall back on that which we KNOW when we come against something we DONT KNOW.
It's such a joy to follow Him.
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