Saturday, September 21, 2013

4 Years Of Marriage! YES!!

We celebrated our 4th year anniversary this month! YAY!
4 down, 90 to go!

This was probably our hardest year yet. 
Lots of tears.
Lots of pain.
Lots of mistakes.

But, it came to a beautiful close.
Mostly because I decided to do 2 things:

(1) PRAY
Oh, the things we walked through this year! 
I dealt with my expectations.
I walked through mistrust, misconceptions, and misuse of my role as a help meet.
But about half way through the year, I decided to really apply 1 Peter 3.

Man I prayed!
Every morning I woke up before the family and took my book
Power of a Praying Wife
and prayed a chapter over my husband everyday.

The results were amazing.
My attitude changed.
My expectations were in my God to work in my husband and in my life.
My husband had strongholds broken.
My husband's heart was really soft for God to work on.

(2) Have Fun!
I love how he stumbles through the door and leaves all his stuff on the floor.
It's like he's finally able to drop all the burdens he has been carrying and just relax.
I love when he opens the fridge and cupboards just to see whats in them.
I love when he sits on the computer and looks at home listings.
I love dreaming of businesses we could start together.
I love talking over child training issues with him.
I love being playful and making him snuggle with me.
I love pretending I am going to put my hand on his side, but I really tickle him (he hates it).
I love hearing him talk to himself in the bathroom.
I love putting my feet on the dash board and telling him how thankful I am that he drives so I don't have to.
I love catching him dancing while he gets dressed.
I love how he looks at the kids with such joy and love in his eyes.
I love how he tears up from laughing at them so hard. 
I love how he plays Hide and Seek and Duck Duck Goose every. single. night.
I love to make him think he is the funniest thing in the world. 
I love to surprise him with a note in his lunch and find it  all wrinkled and worn in his coat pocket weeks later.
I love the tv shows we get into together; he always makes them so much funnier.
I love hearing him talk to my dad on the phone.
I love when he calls me on every break he has at work just to talk about nothing.
I love having inside jokes with him.
I love filling out his calendar and posting it up right on the door and then he STILL asks me whats going on every day :).
I love the nights when he falls asleep first while holding me in his arms.
I love getting the girls all wound up for him coming through the door and the look on his face at our excitement.
I love when he kisses me before he leaves in the morning.
I love how he grabs my phone and fills my water before he goes to bed.

The list is probably endless...

I just love him!

Israel Trip 2009 Right After Our Wedding

So In LoVe!
90 more years to fall more in love...

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