Sunday, November 18, 2018

Goodbye Blog... :( MUST READ!

Goodbye sweet blog!
I have blogged here on this website since 2010!
All my pregnancies, all my marriage. 

But it's for something better!

That's right!
We have started a fully interactive and functional website!
Weekly newsletters, better quality posts, more giveaways, special sponsored deals... so much more!

PLEASE go over to and SUBSCRIBE!

Thank you for those who have faithfully followed us over the years.

Follow DeputieTribe on Facebook also!

Thank you for following us!
Please pass the word about this change. 
Post it on social media.

We have lots of new ideas and fun things coming up so PLEASE JOIN US!
Your support means more than you know.

Let's get the word out and make a difference in this dark world.
Let's continue to be a light that stands on righteousness and the Truth of God's Word!
Let's continue to apply God's Word to our lives and the lives of our children. 

(did I say that already?)

Praise the Lord!!

We are hoping to have some "throw back" days where your favorite posts are recycled through on and added to the archives there.

Are there any posts that have specifically spoken to you?
Affected your life?
Let us know and we'll repost them on the new website!

See you SOON!!!!

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