Friday, March 2, 2018

~Deputie Purim Celebration~

Purim is probably one of the most loved holidays in our house. 
It's a chance for the kids to dress up, which they don't do on the traditional Holloween.

This year it started Wednesday night.
Our family doesn't fast for Purim, we feast!

Wednesday night we had a big meal together and then make noise-makers and paper dolls that represent the characters in the Book of Esther. We then read through the book of Esther saying, "Awwwwww!" when Esther was mentioned, "Yaaaayyy!!" when Mordecai was mentioned, and "Boooooo!" when Haaman was mentioned. 

We then asked the kids questions about the stories and taught them the moral truths and character lessons we could pull out from the story. 

The next day we took off school and baked more Challah bread and meatloaf for our feast as well as hundreds of Hamantaschen cookies to hand out to neighbors and friends since Purim in known as a time of gift giving. 

That night we went to church for our BIG celebration and feast all together. It was LOUD and SO FUN!

We packaged our hundreds of cookies and made individual tags for them. 

Delivering cookies to the neighbors. 

Elias, my brave knight, wouldn't deliver the cookies in fear that a dog would come. He stayed back a safe distance. 

However we had to leave right afterward since I suddenly felt horribly ill. I was up all last night with pains so severe I was rolling around on the floor crying. I am praying that that Purim celebration puts me into active labor today. 

Hayven and her Best Friend as Esther :)

Haman! Booooooo!!!

My Best Friend and her husband decided to dress up and be Alex and I! Hahaha I love them so SO much!!

Thank you God that You deliver Your people. 
Thank you for continued provision and deliverance from our enemies. 
Thank You that You fight for us.
Thank You that You're a living God and You make Your Name known! 
All praise and glory and honor and power belong to You!

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