This has been the most enjoyable and incredible postpartum healing process I have ever had!
And I really believe it's because of a few products and practices that I've implemented and collected over the course of having 6 children.
(1) Rest: Week 1 in bed. Week 2 moving very little. 4-6 weeks of little activity. This rest does wonders for your hormones, your body, your weight loss, your milk supply, your nutrition intake, your lack of sleep. Make it happen. (2) Water: Drink a large bottle of it every. single. feeding.
(3) Real Food: Don't do the processed junk, please! Just eat wholesome foods and LOTS of them. Every time you're hungry. You'll drop the weight faster, your milk supply will come in nice and strong, and you'll heal so much faster.
(4) Baths: Purpose for 1 a day for the first 1-2 weeks. Epsom salts, essential oils, herbs, water, and a snack. Again, healing, hormone balancing, muscle relaxing.
(1) Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Tincture: WOW!! I took this through my pregnancy (2ce a day) and now every time I breastfeed. My pregnancy was fantastic, labor was quick and not as painful as any before it, and my milk supply is OUT OF THIS WORLD!! (see later post about this). (2) PMS Tincture: Take this once labor starts (ever 30minutes-1 hour) then every day 4-6 times a day through that 6-week healing post part period. Again, WOW! I will NEVER do labor or postpartum without this again! My bleeding was SO minimal, afterbirth cramps so might lighter, my uterus shrunk faster, my weight is just melting off every morning, my hormones and mood swings are nonexistent... I mean this is the most incredible tincture in the world!!!
(3) Healing Cream: Sore nipples, diaper rash... a million uses.
(4) Grown-People Diapers: Never doing maxi pads postpartum again...
(5) Mama Mend Bath Herbs by Santosha: LOVE these in my baths that first week after delivery.
(6) Motherlove Nipple Cream: Another great product. Put it on every feeding and you won't deal with that bleeding and cracking nipple issue.
(7) Paper plates, bowls, silverware and towels: LIFESAVER.
Check out this post for a few more tips and tricks
I really contribute the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE to the Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Tincture and the PMS Tincture. I will NEVER do pregnancy, labor or postpartum healing without these EVER AGAIN!
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