Friday, September 29, 2017

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Hayven doing her math homework:
Hayven (5-year old): "Rounding to the nearest ten is the HARDEST thing in the whole wide world. Even harder then all the planets! So hard I don't want to do it ever again. When you round to the nearest ten you just need to think and think and think and think. Uhhhhh."

When I was in the hospital with my "stroke scare":

Elias: "You were at the hospital?"
Me: "Yes"
Elias: "Well, did they give you popsicles?!?"
Me: "No I didn't get any popsicles."
Elias: "Next time you go to the hospital, you need to ask them to go buy you some popsicles... wait... did you get surgery?"
Me: "No, I had a CT scan and an MRI..."
Elias: "Ohh... well... next time, eat some popsicles..."

When Alecia got her hair dreaded:
Ahavah: Hmmm. *walking in a circle around her twin examining her* I don't know what I think about your dreads
Alecia: Well, I like them!
Ahavah: I just don't want to get dreads.
Alecia: Then don't!
Ahavah: Well, I don't know how I feel about my twin having dreads if I don't have them. Aren't you going to miss doing things with your hair?
Alecia: Like what? I can still do things with my hair!
Ahavah: Like brushing it, putting it into pony tails or clips or braids?
Alecia: I can do that! I just don't have to brush it anymore!
*Ahavah walks away still not thoroughly convinced it's a great idea*

Never Ask A Boy for a Brush:
I asked Elias (my 4-year-old son) to grab me the wet brush from the bathroom so I could brush my hair quick. With a bit of a sigh under his breath he said, "Yes mom." (I thought, it's really not that much work to get a brush from the bathroom...)

About 5 minutes later he came downstairs with a sopping wet wet brush and says, "Here's your wet brush mom!"

All the girls giggled and laughed and I said, "Why thank you son!" :)

You Talk Too MUCH!:
If you tell Elias he talks too much he'll respond, 
"That's 'cause that's what I love to do!"

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