Friday, June 9, 2017

Project Garden: Year Two (Part 2)

Utilizing my mostly shaded yard near the heart of the city of Saint Paul has been a challenge I am still facing head on three years after moving into our humble home. This year I have used the front garden and the side patches better then ever yet!

My front garden patch has flowers and cilantro. Most of these flowers are edible and can be used in tea and tinctures including geranium (bee balm) and yarrow!

On the side of my house I have a couple basil plants and another cilantro plant.

My raspberry bushes I planted a couple years ago have exploded this year! I am very excited to reap the fruit of my patience. I think we planted these little chutes 3 years ago now! Yay! Go, Berry Bushes, Go!

Here are some onions (yellow and purple) as well as echinacea flowers and a few other wild flowers - also great for teas and tinctures!

Lastly, I have my two elderberry bushes that I am praying for (hahaha). They also have been planted a few years ago, but my husband keeps thinking they are weeds and keeps chopping them down to nothing! This year I mulched them so that they are clearly identified as PLANTS!!! There are more wildflowers and echinacea flowers planted in that unmatched spot. 

I am so excited!
I like to grow plants that are useful to my family, not just look pretty (although that is a good bonus). 

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